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Magnetronic Materials Lab.(C02-515-1)

Magnetronic Materials Lab. (磁電材料實驗室)

Location: Room 515-1, College of Science


PI: Dr. Tai-Chun Han


1. Research Specialty:

Magnetoelectric Materials, Thin Film Physics, Magnetic Physics (experimental)


2. Research Interests:

Our laboratory focuses on studying the magnetic, dielectric and magnetoelectric properties of metal oxides including bulk and nanoscale materials and the new developed multiferroics. The recent research topics include:

(1). Magnetoelectric Materials: Synthesis and develop multifunctional magnetoelectric materials and study the coupling between magnetic and electric orderings.

(2). Ceramic Materials: Study the size effects on the physical properties (magnetic, ferroelectric, and dielectric properties) of ceramic oxides.

(3). Fabrication of complex oxide nanostructures and heterostructures for next generation devices.


3. Equipments:

Our research focuses on fabrication of metal oxides and studies their physical properties.

(1). Sol-gel and solid-state reaction methods are used to synthesize complex oxides.

(2). Using LCR-Meter (Agilent E4980A) to probe the dielectric relaxation in multiferroic materials.

(3). Room temperature ferroelectric measurements were performed using a Sawyer-Tower circuit and an aixACCT TF analyzer.


Fig. 1: LCR-Meter


Fig. 2: aixACCT TF Analyzer