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Courses Offering


Compulsory Courses





General physics, Physics Laboratory, General Chemistry, Chemistry Labora-tory, Calculus, In-troduction to com-puter science, Engi-neering Mathemat-ics, Learning by Service, Physical Education

Sophomore Mathematical Methods for Physi-cist, Fundamental Physics Laboratory, Introduction to Modern Physics Laboratory, Elec-tron Magnetism, Theoretical Me-chanics, Physical Education
Junior Applied electronics, Laboratory of applied electronics, Quantum Physics,
Senior Seminar I-Nanoscience, Semi-nar I- Electro-optics, Seminar I- Magnetic semicon-ductor,



Elective Courses






Sophomore Circuit, Introduc-tion to Modern Physics, Introduc-tion to Electro-Optics
Junior Thermodynamics and statistic phys-ics, Advance in physical Mathemat-ics, Optics, Nano Material Practice, Introduction to Flat Panel Display
Senior Introduction to Solid State Physics, Introduction to Magnetic Physics, Nano-engineering, Physics of thin film, Green Energy, Semiconductor De-vice Physics and Technology





Compulsory Courses




Elective Courses

Liquid Crystals and Display principles, Special Topics and Experiments of Light Emit-ting Diodes, Solar cells, Material characterization and analysis, Semiconductor fabrica-tion, Physics of thin film, Nano-engineering, Electro-Optic Semiconductor, Organic Light Emitting-Diodes,





Minimum # of credits for graduation: 131, department compulsory: 59, elective: 40 (includes  departmental elective 30 credits), university compulsory: 8, general educa-tion:24.This applied to entering students in 2020 and later.


Minimum # of credits for graduation: 129, department compulsory: 55, elective: 42 (includes departmental elective 32 credits), university compulsory: 8, general educa-tion: 28. This applied to entering students in 2016-2019.


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